How to Live a Creative Lifestyle

How to Live a Creative Lifestyle

1.Be prepared for disapproval. If you want to live a creative lifestyle, you must be prepared to sacrifice some things. Get ready to be frowned upon, ridiculed, laughed at and questioned. Being creative means breaking out of social norms. Feel free to feel scared but holding back will kill your creativity by miles.
  1. Image titled Handle Teasing Step 3
    Understand this decision isn't trivial or laughable. Being creative is stepping onto a higher plateau of interpretation and understanding of the environment around you, and what's more you are about to respond creatively and third dimensionally as well. You are now in a different league to most human beings.
  2. Image titled Improve Self Confidence Step 2
    Take action. Living a creative lifestyle holds no boundaries. You may wake up and feel like splattering paint all over your walls or designer clothes. Do it. Don't even think about the consequences. Living creatively means to immerse and enjoyment of all emotions and experiences, whether it be positive or negative. Hey these intense experiences will aid in the development of you as an artist, writer, musician, businessman, yes even businessman.
  3. Image titled Develop Poise Step 2
    Be ready to be admired. As much as you'll get criticism from those who are too shallow or ignorant to understand your genius, you are going to also get praise and be admired by people who want to be as outlandish and bold as you are. There are lots of people wanting to be outrageously creative or just simply more creative but are too afraid! You are living their dream, make them proud.
    • It's vital to learn how to accept compliments. When you create something that others love, either because it's beautiful or because you understood their feelings before they even said anything, people are moved. They will compliment you, sometimes extravagantly. Take credit for your own good work - creative work is still real work and the longer you trained for it, the more skill you have, the more often they will. If you reject other people's compliments, it's cruel to them. Their feelings are honest and their enjoyment in your works is diminished if you tell them it's nothing or that it's not as good as they think it is. Take their word for it even if you think it's hopelessly flawed.
  4. Image titled Be a Better Student Step 6
    Dare to scare others. With your actions and words. Anything that is riveting and frightening is amazing to people because it is so unforgiving and different!!! Anything that comes out of you as a creative is going to be thought about and pondered over. Use anything that you can words, actions, images, demonstrations to steer your ideas into the way you want people to see them. They belong to you.
  5. Image titled Handle Teasing Step 2
    Do weird things. Don't be afraid of negative feedback or responses. You are after all a creative genius.

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